1.The most reliable measure of central tendency when there are extreme scores
2. Iah's score from her LET are the following: 92, 88, 91. What is the median?
3. What can be inferred from a low standard deviation?
●Scores are homogenous
4. A highnegative discrimination index means that:
●More from the bottom group answered the test question correctly
5. When a student scored P80 on a single test, that means:
●He scored higher than 80 percent of the class
6. Which of the following is an accurate depiction of an authentic assessment?
●Performing first-aid measures to scald burns
7. Which of the following is a characteristics of a norm-referenced testing? ●The performance depends on the scores of his batch mates
8. Which of the following is a correct statement about validity and reliability? ●A valid test is always reliable
9. Which of the following is a characteristics of a norm-referenced testing? ●The performance depends on the scores of his batch mates
10. A difficulty index of .92 means that the item is: ●Very easy
11. Which of the following is an accurate depiction of an authentic assessment? ●Performing first-aid measures to scald burns
12.Which of the following is an example of a formative test? ●Quiz
13. Which of the following types of tests is most vulnerable to biases? ●Essays
14. A leptokurtic distribution signifies that: ●All scores are average
15. If a distribution is skewed to the right, this implies that: ●The scores are very low
16. Which of the following is the best method to imcrease the reliablity of a test material? ●Increase the number of items
17. This thinking strategy refers to narrowing down ideas from big concept to smaller ones? ●Convergent Thinking
18. This refers to the collection of works, artifacts, and pieces of a student and may serve as a basis for assessment: ●Portfolio
19. Which of the following does Not describe a holistic rubric in scoring ●It uses at least 3 or more basis
20. Which of the following types of tests is most vulnerable to biases? ●Essays
21. Withitness means: ●That the teacher knows everything that happens around the four corner of the classroom
22. When a teacher jumps from one topic to another without assessing of the students are ready to absorb the instructions, this practice depicts: ●Thrust
23. What can be inferred from a low standard deviation? ●Scores are homogenous
24. If a distribution is skewed to the right, this implies that: ●The scores are very low
25. When a teacher is able to perform multiple, different activities at the same, this shows: ●Overlapping
26. Which is an incorrect practice in test construction? ●When using numbers as options, arrange them in a descending order
27. Under the new version of Bloom's Taxonomy of conitive processes, which of the following belongs to the top level? ●Generating
28. Which is the basic form of cognitive process according to Bloom's? ●Knowledge
29. Which of the following forms of punishment is least likely to affect students negatively? ●Surprise quiz
30. The following are examples of extrinsic motivation, except? ●Community service
31. This is also known as the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 ●K-12
32. Subject matter, Activities, Evaluation, Assignment, Sequence of a lesson plan ●Determine the objectives
33. A student makes the teachers and his classmates busy and asks everyone to give him special attention. What is the student's hidden message? ●The students wants to feel connected
34. Which of the following serves as a pre-requisite to employment and will ensure that only competent teachers will be granted privilege to teach to schools? ●Licensure and registration
35. Which of the following correctly describes inductive reasoning? ●Arriving to a main idea demo smaller topics
36. Which of the following laws prescribed licensure examination for teachers and will strengthen the regulation of the practice of teaching in the Philippines? ●RA 7836
37. Which of the following will disqualify a teacher to become a member of the board of professional teachers? ●A naturalized Filipino citizen that has 15 years of continuous teaching experience
38. Which of the following shall receive the highest budgetary allocation according to the Philippine Constitution? ●Education
39. According to the law, she can be referred to as a para-teacher. Which of the following is not correct about para-teachers? ●These teacher failed to reach the minimum GWA of 75 but have grades below 75
Kylie scored 74.80 from the recent LET.
40. Which of the following is most likely be related to existentialism? ●Free choice
41. Which of the following is NOT true about periodic merot examination for teachers according to RA 7836? ●This shall encourage continuing personal growth and development
42. While teaching Mathematics, Teacher Janus noticed that his students show interests on dancing. He then decides to change the topic and teaches concept about dancing and shows to them dance perdormances from the internet. What philosophy of education is shown? ●Progressivism
43. If a teacher wishes to enjoy study leave, she will get how many percent of her salary while on study leave? ●60%
44. What is the focus of education during the Commonwealth Period? ●Nationalism
45. Which of the following is the focus of Spartan Education? ●Military training
46. Teacher Vanessa receives a death threat because she gave her student a failing grade. She knows that passing the student will make her less credible as a teacher but will save herself from being harmed. She then decided to pass the student to avoid danger. Which of the following is observed by Teacher Vanessa? ●Principle of Double Effect
47. Which of the following actions of a teacher violated the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers?●Having practice prejudice and eliminating discrimination against any learner
48. This type of conscience makes the person see that he sins but actually he/she does not. ●Scrupulous
49. K-12 curriculum is what type of subject-centered curriculum? ●Spiral
50. Which is the closest to the real thing? ●Performing real life task
51. Which of the following helps the learner to retain information best? ●Doing
52. A globe is an example of a ●Model
53. Which of the four pillars of learning focuses on the competencies of a certain individual on a particular skill? ●Learning to do
54. Which of the following involves enactive representations according to Bruner? ●Action-based
55. Which does not show acculturation? ●Learning from your American parents their traditions
56. A Venn Diagram is most likely to be used when: ●Discussing the similarities and differences of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
57. Teacher Iah wants to show her students the percentage of Math major, science major, social science major, english major and tle major based on the whole population of BSED students in the school where she teaches. Which of the following types of graph should she use? ●Circle graph
58. Which of the following traits of Filipino can be considered both a negative and a positive trait?●Pakikisama mentality
59. he ability of a child to realize that 1 liter of bottled water has the same quantity even if the water will be placed on a plastic pitcher or a pale is called: ●Conservation
60. Ana is a 13 year old high school student who thinks that death penalty should be implemented in her own countries as she believes that there are other ways to punish oppressors and teach them to be better citizens. She should be under what stage of Piaget's theory? ●Formal operational
61. Lawrence Kohlberg focuses more on which of the following aspects of child development?●Morality
62. Which does not show acculturation? ●Learning from your American parents their traditions
63. A toddler wishes to go the restroom alone and wishes to care for himself if not treated properly will have develop or lead to which of the following psychosocial stages based on Erikson's model? ●Doubt
64. This is known as a girl's psychosexual competition with her mother for the possession of her father. ●Electra Complex
65. The parts of human personality in which instinct and primary processes manifest: ●Id
66. Which of the following shall receive the highest priority accordin to Abraham Maslow's model on ●Warmth humanistic needs?
67. In Grace Goodell's Reading Skills Ladder, which of the following takes precedence? ●Basic sight words
68. Which of the following is not true about Language Acquisition among children? ●Chomsky explains in his model thay children acquired language solely through exposure.
69. This model shows reading as an active process that depends on reader characteristics, the text, and ●Interactive the reading situation
70. A child who has spatial intelligence will most likely enjoy which of the followong activities? ●Solving puzzles
71. It is the average, most commonly used and in greatly affected by extreme scores ●Mean
72. Who is the proponent of respondent conditioning? ●Ivan Pavlov
73. It is the middlemost of measures of central tendency and most reliable when there is extreme scores ●Median
74. Which of the following teacher most likely demonstrates Bandura's work in teaching? ●She shows the student how a dance should be performed.
75. It is the most frequently used measures of central tendency ●Mode
76. Which of the following refers to the law of effect by Thorndike? ●If the end result will be beneficial to the student he/she will probably perdorm well
77. It is the highest score minus the lowest score and is the simplest of measures of variability ●Range
78. ZPD is concept popularized by: ●Vygotsky
79. It is how spread the scores are from the mean and most reliable measures of variability ●Standard Deviation
79. It is the square of standard deviation ●Variance
80. Very easy/reject ●0.81-1.00
81. Very difficult/reject ●0-0.20
82. Easiness ●Difficulty index
83. Differentiate Upper group to lower group ●Discrimination index
84. Difficult/revise ●0.21-0.40
85. More from upper group/retain ●Positive Discrimination index
86.Moderate/retain ●0.41-0.60
87. Easy/revise ●0.61-0.80
88. More from lower group/reject ●Negative discrimination index
89. Cannot determine/reject ●Zero discrimination index
90. Measures what it intends to measure ●Validity
91. Consistency ●Reliability
92. Standard, criteria, specific target ●Criterion referenced
91. Others, class, batch mates ●Norm referenced
92. Scattered, far from the mean, heterogenous ●High standard deviation
93. Pen and paper, multiple choice, cognitive ●Traditional assessment
94. Divide by 9. Median is S5 ●Stanines
95. Clustered, near from the mean, homogenous ●Low standard deviation
96. Real-life application, holistic ●Authentic Assessment
97. Peakedness ●Kurtosis
98. Before instruction, strengths and weaknesses ●Diagnostic
99. Divide by 100. Median is P50 ●Percentile
100. Normal curve, bell-shaped, most scores-average, few scores are high and low ●Mesokurtic
101. Taller, more peaked, almost if not all scores are average ●Leptokurtic
102. Divide by 10. Median is D5 ●Decile
103. During instruction progress, gaps, quizzes ●Formative
104. Flat curve, scores are heterogenous ●Platykurtic
105. Divide by 4. Median is Q2 ●Quartile
106. Afetr instruction, evaluative learning ●Summative
107. Not biased, multiple choice, matching type, wide level of objectives, guessing ●Objective
108. Guide for scoring ●Rubrics
109. Biased, essay, wide sampling of ideas, bluffing ●Subjective
110. Single basis ●Holistic
111. Memorization ●Knowledge
112. Multiple basis ●Analytical
113. Understanding ●Comprehension
114. Use ●Application
115. Classroom Management Model ●Kounin
116. Breaking down ●Analysis
117. Eyes at the back ●Withitness
118. Synthesis
●Putting together
119. Multi-tasking ●Overlapping
120. Jumping from previous topic to new topic and vice versa ●Flip-flop
121. Judgment ●Evaluation
122. Narrowing ●Convergent thinking
123. Not able to return ●Truncation
124. The students are not ready ●Thrust
125.Widening ●Divergent thinking
126. Increase a response ●Reinforcement
127.Weakens a response ●Punsihment
128. General to specific ●Deductive reasoning
129. Outside ●Acculturation
130. Specific to general ●Inductive reasoning
131. Inside ●Enculturation
132. External, shallow, money ●Extrinsic motivation
133. Cognitive development ●Piaget
134. Internal, noble, social work ●Intrinsic motivation
135. Senses and motor (0-2) ●Sensorimotor
136. Hidden message: notice me
Requires special treatment
Keeps others busy ●Attention seeking
137. Egocentric, children tend to see only their point of view(2-7) ●Pre-operational
138. Hidden message: i am hurting
Get even
Violent ●Revenge seeking
139. (7-12) ●Concrete operational
140. 12-above
Abstract reasoning ●Formal operational
141. Hidden message: i want to help
Gets bossy ●Power seeking
142. Classical conditioning or respondent conditioning ●Pavlov
143. Hidden message: show me how
Refuses to participate ●Isolation/Withdrawal
144. Operant conditioning ●Skinner
145.Back to basics ●Essentialism
146. Social learning theory
Imitation ●Albert Bandura
147.Traditional ●Perennialism
148. Trust vs. Mistrust ●Infant
149. Free choice ●Existentialism
150. Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt ●Toddler
151. Change ●Progressivism
152. Initiative vs. Guilt ●Preschool
153. Social change ●Social Reconstructionism
154. Industry vs. Inferiority ●School age
155. Practical use ●Pragmatism
156. Identity vs. Role confusion ●Adolescence
157. Labor/vocational training ●Japanese
158. Values, beliefs, affective, attitude ●Idealism
159. 2 options but each has both positive and negative effect ●Double effect
160. Senses ●Empiricism
161. 2 negative options but the other one is less evil ●Lesser evil
162. Intimacy vs. Isolation ●Young adult
163. With knowledge and intention ●Formal cooperation
164. Without knowledge and intention ●Material cooperation
165. Create new knowledge ●Constructivism
166.Pleasure ●Hedonism
167. Generativity vs. Stagnation ●Middle adult
168. More people will benefit ●Utilitarianism
169. Environment ●Behaviorism
170. Sure ●Certain
171. Ego integrity vs. Despair ●Late adult
172. Unsure ●Doubtful
173. Survival ●Pre-spanish
174. Hypocrite ●Pharisaical
175.Mouth ●Oral
176. Religion ●Spanish
177. Insensitive ●Callous
178. Thinks shes right but shes not ●Lax
179.Anus ●Anal
180. Thinks shes wrong but shes not ●Scrupulous
181. Nationalism ●Commonwealth
182.Sex organs ●Phallic
183. 10% ●Read
184. 20% ●Hear
185. Free basic education ●American
186. None ●Latentcy
187. 30% ●See
188. 50% ●Hear and see
189. Sex organs through opposite sex ●Genital
190. Reader to book ●Top down
191. 70% ●Say and write
192. Book to reader ●Bottom up
193. 90% ●Do
194. Action ●Enactive
195. Active process ●Interactive
196. Images ●Iconic
197. Language ●Symbolic
198. Trend or progress ●Line graph
199. Comparison ●Bar graph
200.Percentage ●Circle or pie graph
201. A process by which a conditioned response is lost. ●Extinction
202. What is teaching profession?
●Is noblest profession.
203. Is a taxi driver is consider as a professional?
204. What is professional?
●A person who finished baccalaureatedegree.
205. In what country that a teacher with highest salary?
●Switzerland kung walang switzerland Malaysia
206.Country that teacher respect most?
207. 21steducation?
●Diversity of learner
208. Portfolio that can be used for an applicant looking for a job?
●Document portfolio 209.
209. Metacognition?
210. Inductive reasoning?
●Specific to general
211.Deductive reasoning?
●General to specific
212. NCBTS -
●National Competency based -teacher standards
213. PPST-
●Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
214. AQRF -
●ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework
215. Body movement, nodding of head, eye-winked and waving of hand.
216.Which type of visual shows the actual object under study? –
217. Which perspective views the learner as actively creating meaning? –
218.Why is it important for teachers to understand learning theory? -
●Theory information’s practice
219. What is the main principle of the discovery method? -
●Students learn best by doing
220.The purpose of a motivation activity in a lesson plan is to:
●gain and maintain students' attention
221.Which perspective says that learning should take place in an environment that resembles the real world with all its complexities?
222.Which of the following is an acceptable verb to use in objectives? –
223.This theory believes that learning is largely determined by the external environment –
224.According to Marianne Torbet, which of the following is not a game inclusion factor? –
225.Which of the following are the procedures and actions used to help students meet stated objectives? -
226. What type of lesson evaluation takes place during the planning of the lesson? –
227.Visuals that convey a concept by comparing one idea to another and implying a similarity are called
●analogic visuals
228.Which is the physiological process in which sound waves enter the ear and are converted into electrical impulses that travel to the brain? –
229.According to the authors of Children's Ministry that Works, in choosing games for children, which of the following is not an important factor? -
●The games should be competitive
230.Which of the following are evidence of "the digital divide": i.e., the gap in equitable use of computer technology among student groups? -
●Computers used for drill and skill only in low income districts
231.Which of the following experience is most closely associated with the constructivist perspective of learning? -
●Student teaching
232.Sam brought his rock collection to class for his students to classify. Which type of media is being used? –
233.Which of the following is a three dimensional representation of a real object? –
234.Which of the following is true regarding the shift in education in recent years? -
●here has been a shift toward learner-centered instruction.
235.The ability to accurately interpret and create visual messages is known as
●visual literacy
236.Which of the following is a problem exacerbated by the prevalence of social media sites such as Facebook?
237.The purpose of an application activity or conclusion section in a lesson plan is to
●provide opportunity for practice and feedback.
238.Which of the following is true regarding field trips?
●- They are a form of enactive learning.
239. Which of the following objectives contains acceptable criteria? -
●Students will compose a paragraph with no more than two errors.
240.This theory uses the computer as a model for the way humans think -
●informational processing
241.Interpreting a visual is also known as
242. What is the difference between informational processing theory and constructivism? -
●The first says that knowledge is objective and represents experience; the second that knowledge is subjective and depends on the learner's interpretation of experience.
243.An enduring change in human behavior or performance resulting from practice or experience is the
●definition of learning
244.Which of the following is NOT a step in the scientific process, often used in the problem solving method? -
●explore the question
245.Applying technological processes and tools to solve problems of teaching and learning is the definition of
●educational technology
246.Charts and graphs are what type of visuals? –


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