Profed Practice Drill Summary


1. This premier behaviorist once said: Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed and my own specified world to bring them up in and I’ll guarantee to take any one of random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select – doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes even beggar-man and chief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vacations, and race of his ancestors”   
A. Bandura                                                     
B. Watson                                                       
C. Rogers
D. Erikson
Correct Answer: B

2. His best contribution to the world of education is the 3 laws (law of effect, law or readiness and law of exercise)
A. Rousseau                                               
B. Pavlov                                                   
C. Thorndike
D. Bandura
Correct Answer: C

3. The teachers’ widely accepted view of giving rewards to students is the legacy of
A. Dewey                                                   
B. Bruner                                                   
C. kounin
D. Skinner
Correct Answer: D

4. He believes that learning is based on Adhesive principle
A. Dewey                                                 
B. Bruner                                                 
C. Kounin
D. Koffka
Correct Answer: B

5. One of main proponent of Gestalt and who believes that the whole is more than the sum of all its parts
A. Bruner                                                       
B. Thorndike                                               
C. Wertheimer
D. Lewin
Correct Answer: C

6. “the child learns from what he sees in the environment” is the main thesis of this famous educational psychologist
A. Skinner                                                   
B. Locke                                                     
C. Bandura
D. Koffka
Correct Answer: C

7. According to this theorist, our behavior at a particular time is a product of the interaction of two factors, internal and external forces
A. Lewin                                               
B. Wertheimer                                       
C. Locke
D. Jung
Correct Answer: A

8. According to this developmental psychologist, children’s thinking skills move from simplicity to complexity
A. Bandura                                         
B. Thorndike                                       
C. Piaget
D. Freud
Correct Answer: C

9. The inventor of the first usable intelligence test
A. Freud                                             
B. Piaget                                             
C. Skinner
D. Binet
Correct Answer: D

10. This particular theorist believes that the mind is blank at birth
A. Allport                                         
B. Skinner                                         
C. Loche
D. Binet
Correct Answer: C

11. He is generally considered as the father of modern education
A. Collin                                           
B. Comenius                                     
C. Aristotle
D. hagel
Correct Answer: B

12. Kindergarten movement is the legacy of this man who is considered the father of kindergarten
A. Pestalozzi                                   
B. Froebel                                       
C. Montessori
D. Collins
Correct Answer: B

13 Certain injury to the language area of the brain can cause the total loss of the ability to produce and/ or understand language, this condition is known as
A. Mutism                                           
B. Aphasia                                           
C. aspergers
D. dyslexia
Correct Answer: B

15. He proposed that every child is born with a unique potential, his individuality, but that potential remained unfulfilled until it was analyzed and transformed by education
A. Lewin                                   
B. Kohler                                   
C. Herbart
D. Havighurst
Correct Answer: C

16. This educator is famous for applying classical education to impoverished children of Chicago Illinois.
A. Collins                               
B. Montessori                         
C. Froebel
D. Piaget
Correct Answer: A

17. This educator opposes the traditional notion that students are empty vessels. He call this traditional technique as banking system
A. Herbart                                   
B. Locke                                   
C. Freire
D. Rousseau
Correct Answer: C

18. He pioneered in the study of language acquisition of children
A. Rousseau                           
B. Freire                                 
C. Chomsky
D. Rubenstein
Correct Answer: A

19. He introduced the notion of zone of proximal development and “scaffolding”
A. Vygotsky                           
B. Tyler                                   
C. Chomsky
D. Rubenstein
Correct Answer: A

20. He pioneered in coming up with a list of development task as individuals pass through the developmental stages
A. Havigburst                           
B. Hurlock                               
C. Anastasi
D. Herbart
Correct Answer:A

21. This condition is characterized by poor spelling and pervasive difficulty in reading
A. Mental retardation                       
B. autism                                         
C. Savant
D. dyslexia
Correct Answer: D

22 Certain injury to the language area of the brain can cause the total loss of the ability to produce and/ or understand language, this condition is known as
A. Mutism                                           
B. Aphasia                                           
C. aspergers
D. dyslexia
Correct Answer: B

23. It is a disorder of neural development characterized by impaired social interaction and communicatio9n and by restricted and repetitive behavior.
A. Mental retardation                           
B. Autism                                             
D. Physical Disabilities
Correct Answer: B

24. It refers to quantitative changes in an individual as he progresses in chronological age.
A. Development                                 
B. Growth                                           
C. Cephalocaudal
D. Proximodistal
Correct Answer: B

25. It refers to progressive series of changes of an orderly coherent type leading to the individual’s maturation.
A. Development                                 
B. Growth                                           
C. Cephalocaudal
D. Proximodistal
Correct Answer: A

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