LET Reviewer -General Education-Social Studies/Sciences Part-2 (50 Items)

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1) The following are legitimate children, EXCEPT:
a. those born by artificial insemination.
b. those legitimated.
c. those born during a valid marriage of parents.
d. those born out of a valid marriage of the parents.

2) As a representative of the Urban Poor Commission of the Association of Religious Superiors (ARS), which action will you most likely take to resolve the long-term roots of structural inequalities-proliferation of child labor and child prostitution?
a. Raise views of human rights abuse.
b. Organize regular programs for information and discussion of human rights. c. Conduct skills training.
d. Raise questions over the government's commitment to rebuild human rights.

3) Which explains the reason why there are continuous and increasing human rights violations?
a. The United Nation's General Assembly approved only resolutions on human rights and the basic freedoms which are not binding.
b. The solutions used are ineffective.
c. The United Nations as an international body is rather slow in the exercise of its powers.
d. The United Nations uses a single solution on all forms of human rights violations.

4) Thousands of street children in large Brazilian cities were murdered by paramilitary death squads which included police officers. What could be the reason why these operations were not suppressed by the government?
a. Totalitarian governments do not give protection to their people.
b. The business people even funded these operations to clean up their streets and neighborhoods.
c. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was only lip service.
d. To how they treat their people was nobody else's business.

5) Spouses Jose S. Perez and Cecilia Perez filed a petition to adopt Paolo Perez Tan, their nephew. The spouses are childless and they reared Paolo from his birth in 1971 until 1975 and they continued to support him. Paolo had to be left in the Philippines when the spouses went to the United States where Jose is employed. The MSSD recommended the adoption to the court on the premise that petitioners are in a better position to provide for the minor child than the natural parents who are impoverished. What could be the possible decision of the court on the petition?
a. The court denied the petition because the spouses are already aliens. b. The petition for adoption was granted because the court finds that it is to the best interest of the child.
c. The petition for adoption was denied because the spouses are non-residents of the Philippines.
d. The court denied the petition on the premise that the trial custody required by PD 603 cannot be effected for spouses are non-residents

6) Which one is the human right to life?
a. Peace
b. Live in national and international order
c. Own property
d. Fair trial

7) Which one is the human right to dignity?
a. Political independence
b. Honor and reputation
c. Form associations
d. Social and economic reforms

8) Carolina Diaz filed a petition for habeas corpus against Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Alde to recover custody of Lina Diaz Romero alias "Gracia Alde," the natural daughter of Carolina Diaz, who was a hostess. What could be the possible action of the court on the petition filed by Carolina Diaz?
a. Her petition would be granted because she now works as a clerk in a prestigious office.
b. Her petition would be denied because she was a former hostess.
c. Her petition would be denied because when Gracia was given to the Aldes, it was tantamount to abandonment of the child, resulting to termination of parental authority.
d. Her petition would be granted because she is the natural mother.

9) Mary Rose, an 18 year old was sexually abused by 3 teenagers from well-to-do families from Makati. Despite pressures, she came out into the open to get justice. Which need did Mary Rose satisfy?
a. Need for family unity
b. Need for civic responsibility
c. Need for universal solidarity
d. Need for personal integrity

10) The following are defects present at the time of marriage which is voidable and annullable, EXCEPT:
a. impotence
b. deceit
c. fraud
d. threat

11) Which one is the right to human dignity?
a. Choose the goals and means of development
b. Share in scientific and technological advances of the world
c. Right to information
d. Sovereignty over our natural resources

12) Which of the following foreign policy actions today is a direct result of early American imperialist policy?
a. Stationing of American troops in West Germany
b. America's military support of Israel in the Middle East
c. America's patrolling of waters off the Libyan coast
d. America's establishment of military bases in the Philippines

13) Which of the following represent ethnocentric behavior?
a. A tourist who lectures his foreign hosts on the "uncivilized" nature of their marriage customs.
b. A student who tutors an immigrant in English.
c. A Hispanic community group demands that public aid forms be published in English and Spanish.
d. A peace Corps volunteer who helps dig wells in Central Africa.

14) The Soviet Union's attempt to establish a missile base in Cuba is interpreted as a direct violation of:
a. the Truman DoCtrine
b. the Monroe Doctrine
c. the Strategic Arms Limitations Talks (SALT)
d. the Declaration of Independence

15) Which will solve poverty caused by capitalism?
a. Fascism
b. Communism
c. Empirism
d. Socialism

16) Which part of the Allied action has been detailed in this passage? After Saddam Hussein violated international agreements by sending Iraq troops to Kuwait and missiles into other neighboring countries, the Allies responded with military action.
a. The Allied bases in Saudi Arabia
b. The ground was in the desert
c. The movement of Allied Troops with Iraq
d. The air campaign in the Baghdad area

17) Carter's part in relinquishing U.S. control of the Canal Zone to Panama is described as a victory for __________.
a. conservatism
b. anti-imperialism
c. isolationism
d. imperialism

18) The undeclared war in Korea most closely resembled the situation of: a. The Spanish-American War
b. The Vietnam War
c. World War I
d. World War II

19) Which refers to FUNNEL EFFECT?
a. The belief that every criminal gets caught and is punished.
b. The belief that crime is under control in the United States.
c. The idea that only a very few suspects arrested for committing a crime are actually punished.
d. The idea that all crimes are put into the same criminal justice system.

20) What values are being given priority by juries in criminal cases?
a. The rights of the criminal over the strict interpretation of the law. b. The safety of the community over symphathy for the criminal.
c. The needs of the criminals over the advice of the judge.
d. The punishment of the criminal over the safety of the community.

21) Two days after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt made the following statements: "In the
past few years and most violently in the past few days, we have learned a terrible lesson. We must begin the great task that is before us by abandoning once and for all the illusion that we can never again isolate ourselves from the rest of humanity." In the statement, Roosevelt is expressing the ideas of __________.
a. an internationalist
b. an anti-imperialist
c. an imperialist
d. an isolationist

22) The main message of the Moral Recovery Program launched by Leticia Ramos Shahani starts with the __________.
a. world
b. family
c. self
d. nation

23) Which is NOT personal integrity?
a. Time
b. Place
c. Order
d. Harmony

24) Which one BEST defines personal integrity?
a. The unity between ignorance and reality.
b. The unity of man’s deeds, words, thoughts and realities.
c. The unity of man’s social, political and physical aspects.
d. The relationship between virtue and conduct.

25) Which family obligation is especially valued?
a. Supplying groceries to relatives in remote barrios.
b. Providing health assistance to relatives living in the same locale. c. Sending to college relatives in remote barrios.
d. Keeping immediate family members out of trouble.

26) Of the following changes in the socio-economic, political cultural and physical that have occurred in the Filipino family, which one remains to be TRUE?
a. The loss of the traditional evening prayer and the ritual of blessing (mano).
b. The unity of the family despite competing demands.
c. The continued parental influence over children's language dress and other behavior.
d. The continued support for parents and siblings.

27) Which is the MOST important perceived need and problem of the Filipino family?
a. Unemployment or financial problem
b. Proneness to vices
c. Over protectiveness of children
d. Double standard on the roles of male and female

28) The San Pascual Credit Cooperative of Quezon City wishes to apply for a loan of five million pesos from one of the financial institution, EXCEPT:
a. Development Bank of the Philippines
b. Central Bank of the Philippines
c. Philippine National Bank
d. Land Bank of the Philippines

29) If a farmer would want assistance like pricing, guarantee for all agricultural produce or cooperative management training, where would he go?
a. Support Services of the Department of Agrarian Reform
b. Special Agrarian Court under the Regional Trial Court
c. DAR Adjudication Board
d. Land Bank of the Philippines

30) Why was San Andres Cooperative Association of Paco, Manila not exempted from taxation?
a. It accumulated reserves and undivided net savings of ₱8,000,000.00
b. It accumulated reserves and undivided net savings of ₱10,000.00
c. It accumulated reserves and undivided net savings ₱9,000,000.00
d. It accumulated reserves and undivided net savings of ₱11,000.00

31) Which has become a prototype of other schemes that defeated the real and true purpose of the CARL?
a. The conversion of farmlands to industrial complexes.
b. The stock option scheme of Hacienda Luisita.
c. The conversion from agricultural to subdivision.
d. The voluntary offer to sell.

32) Which are limited only to the sale of real property and stock transaction?
a. Business incomes
b. Capital gains
c. Employment incomes
d. Passive incomes

33) Of the following, which is imposed a final tax of ten percent (10%)? a. PCSO and lotto winnings
b. Books, literary works and musical compositions
c. Currency bank deposit
d. Royalties

34) Why did the register of deeds charge Lucio Cruz registration fee the instrument relative to his loan?
a. His loan was ₱30,000.00
b. His loan was ₱60,000.00
c. His loan was ₱50,000.00
d. His loan was ₱40,000.00

35) Julieta Villaruel was a landowner from Cabiao, Nueva Ecija. Under the CARL, she was claiming 8 hectares, 5 hectares of which represented the retention limit and the 3 hectares for her only child. Why was her child denied the 3 hectares?
a. Her son was 15 years old who was actually tiling the farm.
b. Her son was 17 years old who was managing the farm.
c. Her son was 13 years old who has been helping till the farm.
d. Her son was 19 years old who was actually tilling or managing the farm.

36) One of the most outstanding accomplishments of the cooperative movement is the encouragement of thrift. Which maxim of God puts this into practice?
a. "God helps those who help themselves."
b. "Look at the birds: they do not plant seeds, gather a harvest and put it in barns; yet your Father in heaven takes care of them!"
c. "He is near to those who call to Him, who call to Him with sincerity."
d. "Happy are those who are merciful to others; God will be merciful to them!"

37) Mang Tacio has been unemployed for quite sometime due to his negative attitudes toward work. Which program of the Department of Social Welfare and Services will help him?
a. Income in Kind Program
b. Anti-Medicancy program
c. HRD Program
d. Social Insurance Program

38) Lucy's husband has been a drug dependent. She wanted him rehabilitated to be economically productive. Where will she commit her husband?
b. Bukang Liwayway Center

39) Where would you commit a drug dependent for him to achieve a natural, tensionless, and anxiety-free state?
d. Bukang Liwayway Center

40) Which theory was asserted by the Pan-German belief in the superiority of the Aryan race and that the strength of the German culture came from a strong, healthy and rustic lineage?
a. Dependency Theory
b. Culture of Poverty Theory
c. Social Darwinist Theory
d. Theory of Capitalism

41) Which is the main goal of drug abuse education?
a. Arrest
b. Prevention
c. Control
d. Rehabilitation

42) The statement that "success often comes to those with humble beginnings" would apply best to which of the following figures?
a. Ramon Magsaysay
b. Ferdinand Marcos
c. Corazon Aquino
d. Joseph Estrada

43) "Nobody is impervious to misfortune", a notable quote from:
a. Rodrigo Duterte
b. Ramon Magsaysay
c. Fidel Ramos
d. Ferdinand Marcos

44) Reference is often made to Stonehenge, a prehistoric monument in England, as an example of
primitive architecture that embodies use of ________.
a. Ionic Columns
b. Post and Lintel
c. Arch d. Dome

45) The Lansdowne portrait is an iconic oil-on-canvas portrait of George Washington, the first President of the United States, painted by ________.
a. Charles Wilson Feale
b. Benjamin West
c. Gilbert Stuart
d. Thomas Sully

46) The following are the famous paintings of Vincent Van Gogh, EXCEPT:
a. The Starry Night
b. The Potato Eaters
c. Irises
d. Jacqueline

47) The primary colors are:
a. red, yellow, green
b. red, green, blue
c. red, yellow, blue
d. red, blue, yellow, green

48) The cracking of many 19th century paintings was most likely caused by ________.
a. bitumen
b. poor quality canvas
c. inferior brushes
d. encaustic

49) The discovery of oil painting is usually associated with ________.
a. Leonardo Da Vinci
b. Albrecht Durer
c. Jan Van Dyck
d. Michaelangelo

50) ________ is currently the longest-reigning monarch in British history.
a. Queen Elizabeth I
b. Queen Elizabeth II
c. Queen Elizabeth III
d. Queen Elizabeth IV

1. D
2. C
3. A
4. A
5. B
6. D
7. B
8. D
9. D
10. A
11. A
12. A
13. A
14. C
15. D
16. D
17. B
18. B
19. A
20. B
21. A
22. C
23. B
24. B
25. D
26. B
27. A
28. B
29. B
30. C
31. B
32. B
33. B
34. C
35. D
36. A
37. A
38. C
39. D
40. C
41. B
42. A
43. D
44. B
45. C
46. D
47. C
48. A
49. B
50. B

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