LET Reviewer - PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION Part-3 (50 Items)

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LET Reviewer - PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION Part-3 (50 Items)

1) The most frequent score in a distribution is the ________.
a. mode
b. mean
c. midpoint
d. median

The correct answer is: 1. Letter-A


2) Which is the most stable measure of central tendency?
a. median
b. mean
c. percentage
d. percentile rank
The correct answer is: Letter-A


3) Norms obtained in a certain school evaluate pupil/student performance is?
a. National norms
b. Local norms
c. Grade norms
d. Age norms
The correct answer is: Letter-B
Local norms

4) What should a teacher do before constructing items for a particular test?
a. Review the previous lessons.
b. Determine the length of time for answering it.
c. Announce to the students the scope of the test.
d. Prepare the table of specification.
The correct answer is: Letter-D
Prepare the table of specification.

5) Under what type of multiple choice test can this question be classified? “Which of the following statements expresses this concept in different forms?”
a. cause
b. association
c. definition
d. difference
The correct answer is: Letter-D

6) Setting up criteria for scoring essay tests is meant to increase their ________.
a. reliability
b. validity
c. objectivity
d. usability
The correct answer is: Letter-C

7) Read the following objective carefully, “After listening to a group report on ecology the students are expected to defend their position on the issue.” To what domain does it belong?
a. Psychomotor
b. Cognitive
c. Affective
d. Perceptive
The correct answer is: Letter-C

8) The control group in an experimental study is the group which is ________.
a. compared to the normal group
b. not given the treatment under study
c. given the treatment under study
d. not included in the study
The correct answer is: Letter-C
given the treatment under study

9) Carol obtained a 97 percentile rank in an aptitude test. This means that ________.
a. she answered 97% of the items correctly.
b. she belongs to the 97% of the group who took the test
c. 97% of the examinees did better than her who took the test
d. she surpassed 97% of those who took the test
The correct answer is: Letter-D
she surpassed 97% of those who took the test

10) Stanines may be used as means of integrating raw scores. What is its basis?
a. distribution of the raw scores in a sampling population
b. distribution of the percentages in the normal curve
c. unselected and identical population
d. purposive and random population
The correct answer is: Letter-B
unselected and identical population

11) A class got a mean raw score of 50 and and SD of 5 in an 80 items physics test. If Nica is a member of the class and her score is 60. Which of the following describes her performance?
a. Nica scores 2 SD below the class mean.
b. Nica missed answering correctly 49% of the test items.
c. Nica scores 2 SD above the class mean.
d. Nica scored better than 60% of her classmates.
The correct answer is: Letter-A
Nica scores 2 SD below the class mean.

12) What is the advantage of using computers in processing test results?
a. Its processing takes a shorter period of time.
b. Test results can easily be assessed.
c. It statistical computation is accurate.
d. All of these
The correct answer is: Letter-D
All of these

13) Which of the following statements about the validity and reliability of a test is TRUE?
a. A valid test is always valid but a reliable test is not always valid.
b. A reliable test measures what intends to measure.
c. A reliable test contains representative items from all important topics covered.
d. A valid test consists of test items that have moderate levels of difficulty.
The correct answer is: Letter-B
A reliable test measures what intends to measure.

14) The English class of Ms. Reyes is composed of students with different mental abilities although they are in the same curriculum level. What should she do first so she can make a good start?
a. Ask them to tell something about themselves.
b. Make them write a brief composition about their plans and aspirations.
c. Determine their strengths and weaknesses through a diagnostic test.
d. Call for a dialog with parents.
The correct answer is: Letter-C
Determine their strengths and weaknesses through a diagnostic test.

15) The major shortcoming of school grades or mark is that:
a. the school’s different clientele find them satisfactory
b. they make students become more cooperative
c. the same grade may mean differently to different teachers
d. they reflect the true word on performance
The correct answer is: Letter-C

16) What is the first step the teacher should take in carrying out a research?
a. identify the problem
b. gather data
c. advance hypothesis
d. formulate tentative solution
The correct answer is: Letter-A
identify the problem

17) Which of the following is a tool for evaluating personal social adjustment of students?
a. Interview guide
b. Observable checklist
c. Sociometry
d. All of these
The correct answer is: Letter-C

18) The following are factors affecting the evaluation of essay responses EXCEPT:
a. the present condition
b. mood of the rater
c. answers written on the papers
d. volume of the test papers
The correct answer is: Letter-A
the present condition

19) It is generally believed that the best way of meeting the need of mentally superior learners is through ________.
a. enriching the curriculum
b. accelerating them
c. involving them in extra-curricular activities
d. providing opportunities for them to help the slow learners
The correct answer is: Letter-A
enriching the curriculum

20) What should be AVOIDED in arranging the items of the final form of the test?
a. Space the items so they can be read easily.
b. Follow a definite response pattern for the correct answers to ensure ease of scoring.
c. Arrange the sections such that they progress from the very simple to very complex.
d. Keep all the items and options together on the same page.
The correct answer is: Letter-B
Follow a definite response pattern for the correct answers to ensure ease of scoring.

21) For mastery learning, which type of testing will be most fit?
a. Formative testing
b. Criterion-reference testing
c. Aptitude testing
d. Norm-reference testing
The correct answer is: Letter-A
Formative testing

22) In which of the following types of research would data processing using computers be MOST advantageous?
a. descriptive
b. historical
c. experimental
d. casual-comparative
The correct answer is: Letter-C

23) In which of these research methods can the researcher control certain variables?
a. qualitative
b. descriptive
c. experimental
d. historical
The correct answer is: Letter-C

24) Of the following types of tests which is the most subjective in scoring?
a. multiple choice
b. matching type
c. simple recall
d. essay
The correct answer is: Letter-D

25) In constructing achievement tests, the first step is to:
a. determine the highest rating to be given to students
b. assess the teaching capability of teachers
c. determine the content and skills covered by test
d. determine the characteristics of highest takers
The correct answer is: Letter-C

26) Which of the following methods would improve the validity and reliability of an examinations?
a. providing hints in answering the test items
b. providing time allotment for each item
c. giving long essay test items
d. giving weights to the items for scoring
The correct answer is: Letter-D
giving weights to the items for scoring

27) The following are test scores in geometry arranged in a descending order: 52, 52, 42, 41, 37, 37, 37, 37, 30, 30, 30, 28, 25. Based on the data given, what is the mean?
a. 36.77
b. 34.60
c. 33.92
d. 33.08
The correct answer is: Letter-A

28) The following are reasons why we evaluate the learning outcomes EXCEPT:
a. provide tangible evidence useful in interpreting school achievements to the community
b. provide parents information on how well their children are doing in school
c. analyze the learning task
d. monitor student progress
The correct answer is: Letter-A
provide tangible evidence useful in interpreting school achievements to the community

29) About how many percent of the cases fall between -2SD and +SD in the normal curve?
a. 99.85
b. 99.72
c. 68.26
d. 95.44
The correct answer is: Letter-D

30) Miss Dioneda observed that some of her pupils do well in written tests but they seldom participate in oral activities. It would be advisable for her to:
a. make use of group dynamics such as buzz sessions, small group discussions, etc.
b. tell the students that full credit is given to written work
c. assign the students to take turns in reading the lessons to the class
d. stress to the students that participation in the recitation makes up 25% of their grades
The correct answer is: Letter-A
make use of group dynamics such as buzz sessions, small group discussions, etc.

31) During the first grading period, a student obtained failing marks in five academic subjects. Which of the following tests would best explain his performance?
a. aptitude
b. attitude
c. personality
d. mental ability
The correct answer is: Letter-D
mental ability

32) Measuring the work done by a gravitational force as a learning task is what level of cognition?
a. knowledge
b. application
c. evaluation
d. comprehension
The correct answer is: Letter-D

33) It is the value representing typical or average performance of persons of various age groups.
a. national norms
b. local norms
c. grade norms
d. age norms
The correct answer is: Letter-D
age norms

34) It refers to the process of evaluating a single test items by any of several methods. It usually involves determining the difficulty, and the discriminating power of the item, and often its correlation with some criterion.
a. inventory test
b. item analysis
c. factor analysis
d. normal distribution
The correct answer is: Letter-B
item analysis

35) Which of these completion items is best?
a. A type of guidance that is goal-oriented
b. Goal-oriented guidance is called guidance
c. Guidance is goal-oriented
d. Developmental is goal-oriented
The correct answer is: Letter-D
Developmental is goal-oriented

36) The first process in analyzing score is ________.
a. finding the mean
b. grouping
c. ranking
d. tallying
The correct answer is: Letter-D

37) The lower limit of the step 45-49 is ________.
a. 44
b. 44.5
c. 45
d. 49
The correct answer is: Letter-C

38) The standard deviation is a measure of _________.
a. central tendency
b. relationship
c. reliability
d. variability
The correct answer is: Letter-D

39) In making the step distribution the first thing to do is:
a. decide on the class interval
b. find the range
c. rank the scores
d. tally the scores
The correct answer is: Letter-B
find the range

40) The non-intellective dimension of a person is his?
a. achievement
b. character
c. personality
d. skills
The correct answer is: Letter-C

41) Evaluation is effective and useful only when the result is _________.
a. reliable
b. true and valid
c. used to promote programs suited to the learners
d. used to promote of fail a student
The correct answer is: Letter-C
used to promote programs suited to the learners

42) Standardized tests when conducted at the national level require ________.
a. random implementation
b. reading of instruction
c. specific guidelines
d. uniform administration
The correct answer is: Letter-D
uniform administration

43) Content validity is determined by the degree to which?
a. there are enough time to measure the ability of the pupils
b. the contents are valid
c. the items are representative samples of the content of the course
d. none of these
The correct answer is: Letter-C
the items are representative samples of the content of the course

44) The crude mode is the ________.
a. highest score
b. highest score minus the lowest score
c. score with the highest frequency
d. standard deviation
The correct answer is: Letter-C
score with the highest frequency

45) The distance of the scores from the mean is called ________.
a. deviation
b. mean
c. mode
d. range
The correct answer is: Letter-A

46) In order to find out if there is relationship between age and level of intelligence, the measure to be used is:
a. analysis of variance
b. correlation
c. standard deviation
d. t-test
The correct answer is: Letter-B

47) The counting median when the number of cases is even is ________.
a. average of the two middlemost score
b. highest score
c. middlemost score
d. range
The correct answer is: Letter-A
average of the two middlemost score

48) The same test is administered to different groups at different places at different times. This process is done in testing the ________.
a. comprehensiveness
b. objectivity
c. reliability
d. validity
The correct answer is: Letter-D

49) Multiple choice test is considered as the best type of test because:
a. it is easy to conduct
b. it contains many responses
c. it measures several competencies in one test
d. it possesses the qualities of other types of tests
The correct answer is: Letter-C
it measures several competencies in one test

50) It tells the relative position of a score from the rest of the scores.
a. arrangement
b. frequency
c. percentage
d. rank
The correct answer is: Letter-D.


1. A
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. D
6. C
7. C
8. C
9. D
10. B
11. A
12. D
13. B
14. C
15. C
16. A
17. C
18. A
19. A
20. B
21. A
22. C
23. C
24. D
25. C
26. D
27. A
28. A
29. D
30. A
31. D
32. D
33. D
34. B
35. D
36. D
37. C
38. D
39. B
40. C
41. C
42. D
43. C
44. C
45. A
46. B
47. A
48. D
49. C
50. D.

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