LET Reviewer - PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION Part-8 (30 Items)

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1) It is the total learning experience.
a. teaching
b. curriculum
c. objectives
d. development
The Correct Answer is: B

2) The phase that requires the teacher to implement what has been planned.
a. implementation phase
b. evaluation phase
c. teaching phase
d. planning phase

The Correct Answer is: A

3) In this phase, a match of the objectives with the learning outcomes will be made.
a. implementation phase
b. evaluation phase
c. teaching phase
d. planning phase

The Correct Answer is: B

4) It was developed by Jerome Bruner which states that the individual learns from his own discovery of the environment.
a. reception learning
b. discovery learning
c. motivation phase
d. learning phase

The Correct Answer is:B

5) In the Events of Learning of Robert Gagne, what phase when the learner must be motivated to learn by expectation that learning will be rewarding?
a. retention phase
b. motivation phase
c. apprehending phase
d. acquisition phase

The Correct Answer is:B

6) Which of the following is NOT included in Planning Phase of the Teaching Process?
a. The needs of the learners
b. The needs of the teachers
c. The selection of the content to be taught
d. The motivation to carry out the goals

The Correct Answer is:B

7) In this type of ways of learning a higher level of intelligence is being utilized. It also requires higher thinking skills of the learner. a. learning by insight
b. learning by doing
c. learning by conditioning
d. learning by trial and error

The Correct Answer is:A

8) This type of ways of learning is related to the stimulus-response theory of learning.
a. learning by insight
b. learning by doing
c. learning by conditioning
d. learning by trial and error

The Correct Answer is:D

9) Events of Learning that the students must receive feedback on their performance.
a. recall phase
b. feedback phase
c. generalization phase
d. apprehending phase

The Correct Answer is:B

10) Events of Learning that the newly acquired information must be transferred from short term to long term memory.
a. retention phase
b. apprehending phase
c. motivation phase
d. acquisition phase

The Correct Answer is:A

11) This type of ways of learning states that learning is a product of what the individual does which will result to either pleasant or unpleasant behavior.
a. learning by insight
b. learning by doing
c. learning by conditioning
d. learning by trial and error

The Correct Answer is: C

12) Learning requires a horizontal connections in subject areas that are similar so that learning will be related to one another.
a. balance
b. articulation
c. integration
d. continuity

The Correct Answer is: C

13) In instructional planning, which among these three: unit plan, course plan, lesson plan is the most specific?
a. course
b. unit
c. lesson
d. resources

The Correct Answer is: C

14) I like to develop the synthesizing skills of my students. Which one should I do?
a. Ask my students to formulate a generalization from the data shown in the graphs.
b. Direct my students to point out which of the
graph are right and which part is wrong.
c. Ask my students to answer the questions beginning with "What If......"
d. Tell my students to state data presented in the graph.

The Correct Answer is: A

15) It is the transfer of information to new situations allows application of the learned information in the context in which it was learned.
a. feedback phase
b. generalization phase
c. retention phase
d. recall phase

The Correct Answer is: B

16) In planning for instruction, can a teacher begin with assessment?
a. Yes, determine entry knowledge or skill.
b. Yes, to make the class pay attention.
c. No, assessment is only at the end of a lesson.
d. No, it may discourage and scare the learners.

The Correct Answer is: A

17) In this phase, the teacher can use this as a reinforcer for successful performance of learning experiences.
a. feedback phase
b. retention phase
c. motivation phase
d. evaluation phase

The Correct Answer is: C

18) Which of the following curriculum models focuses on the content of curriculum? a. Subject-centered
b. Learner-centered
c. Problem-centered
d. Experience-centered

The Correct Answer is: A

19) Among the progressive educational psychologists, which of the following is considered as the center of the educative process?
a. Teacher
b. Curriculum
c. Learner
d. Subject

The Correct Answer is:C

20) Which of the following statements is FALSE about Theories of Learning?
a. Learning takes place when one sense is utilized.
b. Learning is both observable and measurable.
c. Learning is a result of individual experience and self-activity.
d. Learning is a social process where interactions with other learners and teachers are needed.

The Correct Answer is: A

21) This is one of the dimensions of curriculum design that provides continuous and cumulative learning, wherein a vertical relationship among the elements should be provided.
a. Scope
b. Integration
c. Balance
d. Sequence

The Correct Answer is: D

22) Which of the following dimensions of curriculum design believes in "Everything is integrated and interconnected"?
a. Continuity
b. Integration
c. Balance
d. Sequence

The Correct Answer is: B

23) Jerome Bruner calls this "spiritual curriculum" where the content is organized according to the interrelationship between the structure of the basic ideas of a major discipline.
a. Continuity
b. Integration
c. Balance
d. Sequence

The Correct Answer is: A

24) Which of the following curriculum designs focuses on the social problems, needs, interest and abilities of the learners?
a. Learner-centered
b. Problem-centered
c. Subject-centered
d. Experience-centered

The Correct Answer is: B

25) The development of the self is the ultimate objective of learning.
a. Subject-centered
b. Experience-centered
c. Broad Fields
d. Humanistic design

The Correct Answer is: D

26) This draws around themes and is interdisciplinary. It reduces compartmentalization of separate subjects.
a. Broad Fields
b. Subject-centered
c. Humanistic design
d. Experience-centered

The Correct Answer is:A

27) Which of the following is content-centered, mostly patterned after textbooks. School hours are allotted into different separate subject areas.
a. Broad Fields
b. Subject-centered
c. Humanistic design
d. Experience-centered

The Correct Answer is: B

28) Usually learning centers are provided in the classrooms. Learners are made to choose from various activities that the teacher provides.
a. Subject-centered
b. Experience-centered
c. Broad Fields
d. Humanistic design

The Correct Answer is:B

29) Which of the following centers on life situations. Contents cut across subject boundaries thus problems are not subject specific.
a. Learner-centered
b. Problem-centered
c. Subject-centered
d. Experience-centered

The Correct Answer is: B

30) Which of the following focuses on general education and the problem are based on common human activities?
a. Child-centered
b. Life situational
c. Core design
d. Humanistic design

The Correct Answer is: C

1. B
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. B
6. B
7. A
8. D
9. B
10. A
11. C
12. C
13. C
14. A
15. B
16. A
17. C
18. A
19. C
20. A
21. D
22. B
23. A
24. B
25. D
26. A
27. B
28. B
29. B
30. C

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