LET Reviewer - PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION Part-7 (45 Items)

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1) Which is an offshoot of the fourth pillar of "learning to live together"?
a. Schools teach respect for diversity.
b. Schools show concern what happens to children after they leave school.
c. Schools celebrate United Nations Week.
d. Schools teach care for the environment.

2) "Learning to be" as another pillar of learning is applied when schools ________.
I. Facilitate the students' personality development
II. Empower people to learn more about themselves
III. Encourage students to become immersed in their culture

a. I, II and III
b. II and III
c. I and II
d. I and III

3) Material development at the expense of human development points to the need to do more ________ in school.
a. learning to be
b. learning to do
c. learning to know
d. learning to live together

4) The specialization required of every professional teacher for him/her to be competent is in line with which pillar of learning?
a. learning to be
b. learning to do
c. learning to know
d. learning to live together

5) Teaching students and adults the art of dialogue is in accordance with which pillar of learning?
a. learning to be
b. learning to do
c. learning to know
d. learning to live together

6) Which pillar of learning is aimed at the holistic development of man and his complete fulfillment?
a. learning to be
b. learning to do
c. learning to know
d. learning to live together

7) Inculcating the spirit of empathy among learner fulfills which pillar of learning?
a. learning to be
b. learning to do
c. learning to know
d. learning to live together

8) Developing an understanding of life, the world around us and other people is the concern of which pillar of learning?
a. learning to be
b. learning to do
c. learning to know
d. learning to live together

9) Transforming certified skills into personal competence is the concern of which pillar of learning?
a. learning to be
b. learning to do
c. learning to know
d. learning to live together

10) With the four pillars of education from UNESCO Commission on Education in mind, which correspond/s to the affective domain?
I. Learning to live together
II. Learning to do
III. Learning to be
a. I and III
b. II and III
c. I and II
d. I only

11) This pillar of education is anchored within the context of lifelong learning and technical and vocational education and training, in preparation for life and the world of work.
a. learning to be
b. learning to do
c. learning to know
d. learning to live together

12) This type of learning is concerned less with the acquisition of structured knowledge but more with the mastery of learning tools. a. learning to be
b. learning to do
c. learning to know
d. learning to live together

13) This pillar of education implies that the teacher should help the students to develop an understanding of other people and appreciation of interdependence since we live in a closely connected world.
a. learning to be
b. learning to do
c. learning to know
d. learning to live together

14) It refers to the role of education in developing all the dimensions of the complete person; the physical, intellectual, emotional and ethical integration of the individual into a complete man.
a. learning to be
b. learning to do
c. learning to know
d. learning to live together

15) It is the process of becoming aware of the contradictions existing within oneself and in society and of gradually being able to bring about personal and social transformation.
a. Scientific
b. Conscientization
c. Commitment
d. None of these

16) A type of communication that refers to use of language.
a. verbal
b. mimic
c. non-verbal
d. language

17) It is an abstract system of word meaning and symbols for all aspects of culture.
a. verbal
b. phonetics
c. language
d. vocabulary

18) What is a system of sounds?
a. grammar
b. phonology
c. pragmatics
d. speech

19) It is concerned rules for the use of appropriate language particular contexts.
a. pragmatics
b. grammar
c. language
d. verbal

20) It refers to the attitudes, values, customs, and behavior patterns that characterize a social group.
a. beliefs
b. language
c. culture
d. grammar

21) The process of learning culture of one's own group.
a. Enculturation
b. Acculturation
c. Assimilation
d. Taboo

22) Those are formalized norms, enacted by people who are vested with government power and enforced by political and legal authorities designated by the government.
a. Mores
b. Customs
c. Laws
d. Rituals

23) These are rules expectations by which a society guides the behavior of its members.
a. Mores
b. Customs
c. Norms
d. Folkways

24) These are the behavioral patterns of society which are organized and repetitive.
a. Rituals
b. Customs
c. Norms
d. Folkways

25) These are highly scripted ceremonies or strips of action that follow a specific sequence of actions.
a. Mores
b. Rituals
c. Norms
d. Folkways

26) ________ are defined as culturally defined standards of desirability, goodness and beauty, which serve as broad guidelines for social living.
a. Ideas
b. Customs
c. Symbols
d. Values

27) One of the cognitive components which are mental representations used to organization stimulus; they are the basic units out of which knowledge is constructed and a world emerges.
a. Ideas
b. Language
c. Knowledge
d. Accounts

28) Along with language and non-verbal signals, these form the backbone of symbolic interaction.
a. Symbols
b. Language
c. Phonology
d. Ideas

29) This type of learning operates on the fundamental principle that education must contribute to the total development of the whole person - body and soul, mind and spirit, intelligence and emotion.
a. learning to be
b. learning to do
c. learning to know
d. learning to live together

30) This type of learning believes in a holistic and integrated approach to educating the human person, as an individual and as a member of society and focuses on the full development of the dimensions and capacities of the human person.
a. learning to be
b. learning to do
c. learning to know
d. learning to live together

31) When a certain culture is acceptable to one group and questionable to others, it shows that:
a. Culture is borrowed
b. Culture is varied
c. Culture is a shared product
d. None of these

32) When an individual or group adapts the culture of others, practice them and become habitual, this is:
a. Culture change
b. Culture lag
c. Culture shock
d. None of these

33) It refers to a set of belief, language, rules, values and knowledge held in common by members of society.
a. Society
b. Culture
c. Action System
d. All of these

34) Man assigns meanings to his environment and experiences by symbolizing them. What characteristics of culture is being emphasized?
a. Culture change
b. Culture is ideational
c. Culture is diverse
d. Culture is learned

35) Filipino vocabulary has grown because of borrowed words from other languages like Spanish, Chinese and English. This simply means that Culture is ________.
a. Culture change
b. Culture is dynamic
c. Culture is diverse
d. Culture is learned

36) Which of the following Cognitive components defined as culturally defined standards of desirability, goodness and beauty, which serve as broad guidelines for social living.
a. Values
b. Knowledge
c. Accounts
d. Norms

37) The following are the Components of culture, EXCEPT:
a. Communication
b. Symbols
c. Cognitive
d. Material

38) Which of the following types of norms that are commonly known as Customs?
a. Mores
b. Folkways
c. Rituals
d. Laws

39) Celebrating Christmas/Thanksgiving with the family is an example of:
a. Mores
b. Folkways
c. Rituals
d. Laws

40) Not drinking alcoholic drinks until 18 years of age is an example of:
a. Mores
b. Folkways
c. Rituals
d. Laws

41) Saying "Please" and "Thank you" is an example of:
a. Mores
b. Folkways
c. Rituals
d. Laws

42) "Always ladies first" is an example of:
a. Mores
b. Folkways
c. Rituals
d. Laws

43) Not interrupting a conversation is an example of:
a. Mores
b. Folkways
c. Rituals
d. Laws

44) Not wearing red dress on a funeral is an example of:
a. Mores
b. Folkways
c. Rituals
d. Laws

45) Marrying before having a child is an example of:
a. Mores
b. Folkways
c. Rituals
d. Laws

1. A
2. A
3. C
4. C
5. D
6. A
7. D
8. A
9. B
10. A
11. B
12. C
13. D
14. A
15. B
16. A
17. C
18. B
19. A
20. C
21. A
22. C
23. C
24. D
25. B
26. D
27. A
28. A
29. A
30. A
31. B
32. B
33. B
34. B
35. B
36. A
37. B
38. B
39. C
40. D
41. C
42. A
43. A
44. B
45. A

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