Download now General Education Keywords&meaning 1



Rhythm- the variation of the accentuation of sounds over time and the way music is organized in time.
Pulse- steady Recurring beat
Melodic Rhythm- the rhythm of melody or words
Meter- beats organized into recognizable accent patterns
Melody- a series of tones sounding in succession
Pitch- a subjective sensation, reflecting generally the lowness or highness of a sound
Dynamics- volume of a sound or note (musical notation used to indicate dynamics)
Timbre- known as tone color (quality of sound)
Harmony- the way melodies interact with one another
Texture- refers to the number of individual musical lines and the relationship these lines have to one another.
Monophony- music with only one or no accompaniment
Homophony- music with two or more notes sounding at the same time or chordal accompaniment
Polyphony- music with two or more notes sounding at the same time or with counterpoint melody.
Tempo- speed or pace of a given piece
Form- refers to overall structure or plan of a piece of music
Binary- a musical form in two related sections, both of which are usually repeated. (AABB)
Ternary- a three-part musical form where the first section (A) is repeated after the second section (B) ends. It is usually schematized as ABA.
Strophic- the term applied to songs in which all verses or stanzas of the text are sung to the same music (unrelieved repetition) (AAAA..)
Rondo- has a recurring theme alternating with different (usually contrasting) sections called “episodes”. It may be symmetrical (ABACABA) or asymmetrical (ABACADAEA)


Line- refers to the continuous mark made on some surface by a moving point
Shape- an enclosed space
Color- produced when light striking an object and reflected back to the eye
Value- lightness or darkness of a color
Space- distances or areas around, between or within components of a piece
Form- the whole of a piece’s visible elements and the way those elements are united
Balance- ways in which the elements (lines, shapes, colors, textures. Etc.) of a pieces are arranged
Repetition- occurs over and over again in a composition
Contrast- arrangement of the opposite elements (light vs. dark, rough vs. smooth)
Emphasis- a piece is given dominance by the artist.
Proportion- describes the size, location, or amount of one element to another or to the whole
Harmony- brings together a composition with similar units


Physical Fitness- a set of abilities needed to perform physical activity, also your ability to carry out tasks without undue fatigue
Physical Activity- any bodily movement produced by the contraction of muscles
Components of  Physical Fitness
Health-Related Components- those factors that are related to how well the systems of your body work. (body condition)
Cardiovascular Fitness/ Endurance: ability of the circulatory systems (heart and blood vessels) supply oxygen to working muscles during exercises
Body Composition: the relative percentage of body fat compared to lean body mass (muscle, bone, water, etc.)
Flexibility: ability of joints in the body to move to their full range of motion
Muscular Strength: amount of force that can be produced by a single contraction of muscle
Muscular Endurance: ability of a muscle group to continue muscle movement over length of time
Skill-Related Components- those aspects of fitness which form the basis for successful sport or activity participation. It refers to body performance.
Speed: ability to cover a distance in a short period of time.
Agility: ability of the body to change position and direction quickly
Balance: ability to maintain and sustain an upright posture or equilibrium while still moving
Coordination: ability to use the senses together
Reaction Time: the interval time between the presentation of a stimulus and the initiation of the muscular response to that stimulus
Power: the product of strength and speed


Health- state of complete, physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease of infirmity.
Holistic- concerned with wholes rather than analysis or separation into parts
Holistic health- harmony and balance in all aspect  of health- physical, mental, emotional, social, and moral-spiritual
Physical Health- state of the body its compositions , development, functions, and maintenance
Mental or Intellectual Health- refers to cognitive ability and skills to improve one’s quality of life
Emotional Health- our ability to accept and cope with our own and others feelings
Social Health- ability to build and maintain harmoniously and satisfying relationships
Moral-Spiritual Health- refers to one’s faith, beliefs, and values

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  1. Invitation to MAPEH coaching by Jeremiah Diaz https://www.facebook.com/events/460876744466588/

    1. Hi! DO you have any reviewer about Mapeh with rationalaization?


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