Download now General Education Keywords&meaning 1

• Gregariousness refers to the desire of the individual to be with other
people because man is a social being.

• Play is the natural impulse possessed by men and animals where it
is an activity, which the individual engages in for the satisfaction of
his desires.

• Collecting and hoarding means the interest in keeping the objects,
which a child is interested to possess.

• Competition implies a struggle between two or more persons for
the same object or purpose to equal or surpass others, whereas
rivalry suggests a personal contest for selfish ends, resulting in envy
and jealousy.

• Manipulation is the natural impulse of the child, which involves a
skillful or dexterous management or control of actions by means of

• The features of COOPERATIVE LEARNING are face-to-face
interaction, positive interdependence, and group accountability for

• The theory of Multiple Intelligence by Dr. Howard Gardner, proposes
eight different intelligences to account for a broader range of human
potential in children and adults because he suggested that the
traditional notion of intelligence based on IQ testing is too limited.

logicalmathematical, spatial, bodilykinesthetic, musical,
interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalist and existential intelligence.

Gregorio are shyness, sensitiveness, lack of perseverance, lack of
resourcefulness, and lack of industry.

• According to Jean Jacques Rousseau, men in nature are basically
good and that the influences of society are what makes man evil.

• To develop POSITIVE BEHAVIOR in children, contribution,
responsibility, and cooperation must be emphasized.

• Albert Bandura proposed a theory known as Social Learning Theory,
which states that modeling is essential in pedagogy.

• Operant Conditioning focuses on giving of reward to students to
increase the occurrence of repeating a desired behavior.

• “Porma (Form) over substance” is a negative trait where a student
focuses more on the outside appearance of the report rather than
the content.

• “Tangible performance changes when learners undergo the learning
process” serves as the basis of the utilization of Performance

• Individual Differences is a concept that expects teachers to provide
varied learning activities to suit the needs of the various learning
style of the students.

• Coherence is a characteristic of the instructional plan that shows
“interconnectedness” and smoothness from beginning to the end.

• Evaluation serves as the piece de resistance (finale) of Goal-Oriented

• According to Krathwohls’ Affective Domain, the lowest level of
affective behavior is Responding followed by Valuing, Organization,
and Characterization.

• A teacher manifests Expert Power when he shows his students his
vast knowledge of a subject matter.

• Referent Power is shown when teacher makes his students feel
important, accepted, and appreciated all the time.

• Signal Interference is an influence technique illustrated when a
teacher would a look in a student’s eye to tell them that he
disapproves of their mischievous behavior.

• Reward power of a teacher is his/her authority to give the students
the grade they deserve.

• When teachers encourage active class participation through
individual and group activities, it allows the student to feel
important in a group.

• Applying rules and regulations on a case-to-case basis does not
promote sound classroom management.

• Practices that promote SOUND CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT are
enforcing firm and fair discipline in the classroom, developing a
system of coming in and going out of the room and establishing
rules, regulations, and routines starting on the first day of school.

• An example of a “low-profile” classroom managementis when a
teacher raisesthe pitch of his/her voice.

• An effective classroom management teaches the student to develop
self-control rather than dependence on others to control their

• “In Loco Parentis” or “instead of parent”, it is a legitimate authority
exercised by teachers in the classroom where they take on some of
the functions and responsibilities of a parent.

• “With-it-ness,” according to Kounin, is one of the characteristics of
an effective manager where he/she is aware of all the things
happening around him/her.

• The best way to manage an off-task behavior is to not over-react,
such as by making simple eye contact.

• A teacher’s Referent Power means that she accepts the student the
way they are, illustrated by being firm yet fair, compassionate, and

• A teacher that does follow-up questioning in order to elicit more
from his students and to make them think more critically is using
the Probing type of questioning.

• Teachers providing activities for the whole-brain thinking and not
just on one particular learning dimension is encouraging learning

• The HIERARCHIES OF QUESTIONS that the teachers usually ask
regardless of the subjects being taught areKnowledge (Memory)
Questions, Comprehension Questions, Application Questions,
Analysis Questions, Synthesis Questions, and
Evaluation Questions.

• Knowledge (Memory) Questions trains the ability to recall, bring to
mind appropriate materials learned previously such as specific
names, facts, places, figures, events, concepts, principles, and others.

• Comprehension Questions trainsthe students to understand oral
and written communications and make use of them.

• Application Questions requires the students to transfer what they
have learned to new situations with little or no supervision.

• Analysis Questions requiresthe students to breakdown an idea into
its parts, to distinguish these parts and know their relationships to
one another.

• Synthesis Questions is where the student puts together or integrates
a number of ideas or facts into new arrangement.

• Evaluation Questions is where the students appraise, criticize or
judge the worth of an idea, a statement or a plan on the basis of a set
of criteria provided to them or which they themselves have

Synthesis, and
Evaluation, (is the highest.)

• Lesson Plan is the termed applied to the statement of objectives to
be realized and the methods to be used in the attainment of such
objectives within the specified time.

• The COMPONENTS OF A LESSON PLAN are Objective, Subject Matter,
Learning Activities, Evaluation, and Assignment.

• A Time line is a type of teaching tool appropriate for graphically
representing a lesson in chronological form.

• The ultimate test of a good classroom management is if it can be
applied in the student’s daily lives.

• A Sequence Chain can be used as a graphic organizer to present the
Water Cycle.

• A Critiquing session allows the evaluation of member’s work by the
group and encourages the giving of constructive comments on how
to improve the work of others.

• Coherence is the local organization and comprehensibility of lesson
plan from start to finish.

• The primary concern of using ateaching aid is that it should be suited
to the objective of the lesson.

• Simulation operates on the principle “I am what I should be,’ and is
when the teacher allows the student to put what they learned into

• In order to develop logical-Mathematical skills in students, teachers
can use Problem Solving Activities.

• According to Thorndike, punishment does not guarantee the
removalof negative behavior from the child.

• Mastering concepts in class through repetition is utilizing the Drill

• Projective Technique allows the innermost thoughts of the students
to come out such as when a teacher would show an ambiguous
picture to students and ask them to respond to some questions.

• An Anecdotal Record contains significant/untoward incidents/
reports that happens to students.

• A well-managed and learning-productive class is shown when
students are actively involved to reach the goal.

• Intrapersonal intelligent pupils will learn best with activities that
call for more time with the self.

• Venn Diagram is a graphic organizer that can be used to illustrate
the similarities and differences of two subjects.

• A teacher who wants his students to work together harmoniously
may incorporate Cooperative Learning in his/her class, which allows
the student to work together promoting teamwork.

• Fishbone Diagram is a graphic organizer commonly used to illustrate
cause and effect.

• The best classroom device is the teacher because the
devicesthemselves cannot teach.

• To be able to respond to the teacher’s professional development
needs is the rationale behind the teacher’s professional training

• Teachers in the community should not make him/herself aloof
because he/she can still maintain objectivity even if he/she is
friendly with community members.

• As a “trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation
and is under obligation to transmit to learners such heritage,”
teachers must conduct lessons on the life stories of Filipino heroes
that allows the class to appreciate the country’s rich cultural past.

• Geography is the leading factor behind the proposal by the DepEd
that lead schools must manage stand-alone schools in some farflung

• The greatest contribution of EFA (Education for All) to the public is it
gives opportunities for all kinds of learners where regular or special.

• Realia should only be brought inside the room if it’s feasible.

• Using a globe as a teaching aid or any tangible and scaled replica of
something falls under Models.

• To promote higher-order thinking skills, Divergent questions must
be asked by the teacher because it allows the students to think
more creatively since it is an open ended types of questions.

• Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience refers to watching demonstrations
as an experience that is almost the same as the actual one.

• In order to ensure the smooth transition of activities in class, teacher
should make the materials readily available and accessible.

• The best time for teachers to set routine activities like rules in getting
materials and standing in line should be established during
the first day of school.

• Low-profile classroom control means the teacher manages behavior
of students without disrupting the lesson.

• An example of a low-profile classroom control technique that
teachers can employ in their classroom managing behavior without
disrupting the lesson.

• The teacher should primarily consider appropriateness of the device
to the lesson.

• If teachers want to focus on attitudinal change among her students,
they must facilitaterole-playing activities to allow the child to show
his/her personal emotions.

• Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory encourages teachers to
present the lesson on wide variety of ways to consider the different
intelligences of students.

• A classic characteristic of Operant Conditioning advocated by BF
Skinner is the use of reinforcements.

• Phillips 66 is a technique wherein the group is divided into 6 groups
and allows them to discuss a topic for 6 minutes.

• Closed ended questions limit the ability of the students to think
creatively and critically.

• The highest-level in Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is Self-

• Kohlberg developed the Moral development theory and pioneered
in the use of moral dilemma technique.

• Albert Bandura developed the Social Learning Theory and advocated
“children learns from what they see in the environment.”

• Jerome Bruner postulated that learning is a simultaneous process
of acquisition, transformation and evaluation.

• According to Erikson, identity and role confusion normally occur
during high school.

• Modeling or learning through observation is central to the Social
Learning Theory of Albert Bandura.

• Criterion is defined as an acceptable standard of performance and a
statement that indicates a degree of accuracy.

• Graphic organizers are used to illustrate relationships among details,
enables students to identify important ideas and details and
information are presented in concrete form.

• Inconsensus decision making the teacher allows his students to
arrive into one specific plan of action through gathering the majority’s

• The task analysis model of lesson organization arranged in sequence
is facts, concepts, principles, and generalization.

• IPPD (Individual Plan for Professional Development) was developed
for teachers to serve as a guide for the professional’s continuous
learning and development.

• Information Processing Theory asserts that when learners treat
information as personal and as part of his/her schema then retrieving
concepts contextually is a lot easier.

• According to Lev Vygotsky, guidance enables teachers to help
learners acquire skills.

• Portfolio is one of the best ways to practice outcome-based

• Shared values are synonymous with vision-core values.

• The concepts of Total Quality School Model must be applied by all
stakeholders to make a school successful.

• Technical skill is a general term to address the competency needs of
various industries.

• Peer review is where one lets his/her classmate look at his/her work
for evaluation.

• Highlighting is where when conducting research or doing readings,
one uses colored writing instrument to emphasize key points.

• Teachers must be flexible so that their students could be creative

• Global education allows students to be more accepting/tolerant of
other cultures.

• Stakeholders, the key players of any system/organization/process
are composed of teachers, students, parents, administrators and
members of the community.

• John Dewey’s contribution to the development of sociological
foundations in learning are education as a social process, teaching
of the basic R’s and the role of the school as an extension of homebased

• Quality Educational System fosters coordination among basic
education, technical-vocation education and higher education and
has connection from level to level.

• The teacher is responsible for an enriching environment that allows
a highly diverse class to optimize their learning.

• Alternative Learning System (ALS) is a type of learning that life-long
and is acquired from real-life activities and interactions.

• A sign of an underachieving student is showing minimum effort in
every task.

• Reactive is the opposite of proactive.

• Guidance involves personal help given by someone designed to
assist the person where he wants to go, what he wants to do, or how
we can best accomplish his physical, social, intellectual, and personal
assets and liabilities as confronted by particular situations, so that
he can make wise and intelligent choices and embark upon suitable
courses of action.

• Discipline means instructing the child in the ethical principles (right
from wrong), Why or Why Not, and How to decide and
act according to principles.

• The four classifications of CHILD-REARING PRACTICES are
authoritarian, permissive, ambivalent and role modeling.

• Authoritarian views the child as a mini-adult, which sets unrealistic
expectations and goals for the child.

• Permissive allows the child to grope through situations too difficult
for him to cope with, with no guidance and control.

• Ambivalent style occurs when opposite or conflicting values exist in
the parent/teacher himself, or one set of moral values is followed
in contrast with the other.

• Role modeling is where role is the part assumed by anyone and
modeling is the art of one who acts as a standard of imitation.

• Counseling is defined as helping individuals towards overcoming
obstacles for personal growth according to the American
Psychological Association.

• The GOALS OF COUNSELING by Blackman and Silberman are problem
definition, development and social history, establishing specific
goals of counseling, and to determine methods to be used to bring
out desired change.

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